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Zdravka Bashkehaiova

Zdravka Bashkehaiova

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    27 years
    160.00 cm

    Hello! My name is Zdravka Bashkehayova and I work in the field of marketing, advertising and graphic design.

    I have experience in front of the camera, from a young age I have been part of various theater formats, TV shows such as "Mini Miss and Mini Mister", dance schools and performances.
    I speak English (C1) and a little French (A2). I have participated in 2 international festivals of Francophonie XXIe, XXIIIe Festival International de Théâtre Scolaire Francophone in a leading role, as well as in many other Bulgarian ones.

    Dancing is a big part of my life. I have danced hip-hop, sports and folk. For 2 years I have been practicing Heels more seriously - both amateurly and professionally. I constantly take part in various intensives, workshops and classes in this style. I also work on projects related to dance performances.

    I have been chosen to host various events in high school as well as on the radio.

    I can also draw, ride an ATV, bike, roller skates and I can drive. Horseback riding is another activity I choose on warm days.

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